After staying in the town of Denham dog-sitting for a week, I had pretty itchy feet and was surprisingly keen to get driving and sleeping in the van once again. Leaving Shark Bay meant a stop at a pretty amazing beach. It covers an area of around 120km and on 'Shell Beach' the tiny cockle shells are up to 10 metres deep.
Shell Beach, Shark Bay, WA
I made tracks slowly north and stayed at a few great camp spots along the way to Canarvon. Where they have a BIGish banana.
BIG Banana, Canarvon, WA
They also have some smaller ones....
Canarvon, WA
Canarvon was flooded in December last year when entire homes were washed away, no people died but 2000 cattle are thought to have perished, and damage has been estimated at $100million. The town seems to be getting back on track, but evidence of lost industry is still very visible.
Luckily though, the BIG egg survived!
Along the Food trail, The BIG egg, Canarvon, WA
I called in to the local radio station which not only is covered in security bars, but is also located directly next door to the mental health service. Seems to make perfect sense to me.
There I met Rosie who was and is, the only person at the station. She came over from the UK backpacking when she landed a job at the local pub. There, she was approached about doing a shift on air. 3 years later she does the breakfast show, is the only local sales rep, works reception, and if there are any technical issues gets instructions from someone on the phone in Perth. I suppose it's one way to get in to radio, and score a residency visa! Everything else for the station is done from Perth.
Hot Hits/Classic Hits, Canarvon, WA
Although the town isn't currently a hub for space age technology, it actually once was. It was from the OTC Dish that Australia received its first satellite television broadcast. The dish also participated in the space race and helped put man on the moon in 1969. After assisting in tracking Halley's Comet in 1987 it closed down, but it's still a pretty impressive site, and it's from here you get a panoramic view of the town and surrounding beaches.
OTC Dish, Canarvon, WA
So, on the road again, and off to the Blowholes. These weren't the first I'd been to see, but they were the first that were really doing their thing!
Blowholes, WA
It's at this site that a plaque reads "Is fishing worth risking your life? These people lost theirs......." It goes on to name ONE person, but has plenty of space left below for more names to be added. Guess their pretty optimistic that someone else will get unlucky!
So here's how it could go. One minute you're casually casting your line over the cliff edge.......
Blowholes, WA
Blowholes, WA
Just 1km south of here is the very calm, coral filled lagoon of Point Quobba. Thers a campsite here that many people have made their semi-permanent home. And it's easy to see why.
Point Quobba, WA
The drive back on to the highway takes you from beautiful beaches to other spectacular sites.
And thankfully it seems, they just keep on coming!
A few simple stats FYI:
Days since departure : 53
Kilometres travelled : 6107
Kangaroos hit : 0